Irrational Fear 45 (by skipping around the numerical scale, I am still released from the obligation of sharing those numbers before or after 45 or from 37 to 45, but since I have now posted two separate fears, logic and rational dictates I must at least post a third, because it is my rule. Don’t make me break it across your ass for fun): I will one day run over a small child with my car because they have appeared out of nowhere and I do not have time to brake. By appear out of nowhere, I do not imply I do not see them prior, as in, “Johnny was a fucktard, ran into the street and then I hit him”. NO. This is not my fear because I am an insanely aware driver at all times. Clarification: Ever seen a magic show and the guy in the black hat says “AlakaBAM!” and then Poof, a white bunny appears? Yeah, just like that is what I fear. Some random kid is magic-ed right in front of my bumper and two hours later I am bumming cigarettes off some butch chick in jail thinking, “At least I am still going to get laid, this ain’t so bad.”

Irrational Fear 6 (One could have assumed, since 45 is a larger number that 37, I would have kept with the scale and moved up again. Wrong. Since this is the third fear I am sharing, I must move down so that it 1. Completes the trinity 2. Jerks said assumer back to reality visually, thus bringing closure to this experiment in nothingness… moving RIGHT along…): Patterns of Dots. I am not explaining this to anyone because it requires its own dissertation and, after that point, I just may get locked up in a padded room and white hurts my eyes after awhile as I am a nocturnal creature. Let it be said, I just do not like them, go away dots.

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