I just got hit with the sickness. Sick + tired.
Also, a bus.
Just kidding, that's not funny, liarhead.
Lies. Its all lies and Satan; what are you going to do. Move forward, bunny.
So, I am told I don't really get sick, my inner demons just get all unruly and irritated-like. And frankly, that's fine with me as long as they let me breathe. Its the only thing I cannot stand: not being able to get air through both nostrils in the same manner and flow at the same damn time. It is all consuming, actually. I will travel to the store at 3am if need be. I would ignore the spontaneous combustion of my partner in bed next to me. They could drop the bomb and I wouldn't care.
I have no fresh water cultured pearls of wisdom to impart today.
I just wanna breathe and until that happens, fuck all.

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