
sometimes I just don't even understand what they consider as my role


Kid A: Today I found out the dinosaurs at the Science Center, they're not real. As I suspected.
I asked a Camp Counselor "Are those dinosaur bones real?". He said no. They are just plaster casts.
It just like Santa Claus. All lies.


tweet tweet tweet

boy: let's tweet. we need a name.
boy: doesnotplaywellwithothers
girl: offmeds
girl: borkedfork
girl: feverishvag
girl: badvag
girl: cagedvag
girl: vaginacage
girl: vag in a cage
girl: cagedvulva
girl: straightjacketvulva
girl: tapeitshut
girl: omfgitbleeds
boy: genitalcandy
girl: genitalpop
girl: bringmeds
girl: donatelithium
girl: lithiumRus
girl: dentaljam
boy: iholdyourbreath
girl: bananasandblow
girl: junkievag
boy: nottheboozetalking
boy: theboozetalking
boy: talkingbooze
girl: nevermindthedrugs
girl: whitegloveheresy
girl: headpuke
boy: ragingtardon
girl: ragingtardation
girl: tardationnation
girl: nofoundation
girl: theassinclassy
boy: theassinclass
girl: hypotardon
boy: i can see this having 30 tweets an hour and then none for weeks

boy: hipolar
boy: highpolar
boy: crassballs
boy: imustbetrippin
girl: youmustbescriptin
girl: umustbescriptin
girl: hideyourscabsplease
girl: coverthatplease
girl: medicatethatnow
girl: burnitwithfire
girl: killitwithfire
girl: omfgstfukthxbye
boy: inspecthergadget
boy: OMGLOLkillyourself
girl: nocureonlyjelly
girl: omgloldietard
girl: OMGtardLOLdie
girl: nocureonlyham
girl: halfbakednutsack
boy: omgloldieretard
girl: omgloljustdie
girl: itshangingoutdouche
boy: shortbusgenius
girl: shortbusmensa
girl: mensatoast
girl: ltgovdouche
girl: ltgovdouchemd
girl: eatbullets
girl: tardbullets
girl: bulleteater
girl: bulleteaters
girl: bullet_eaters
boy: faketeats
girl: youregonnadieLOL
boy: LOLyouhaveaids
boy: tasteslikeshame
girl: tardsofafeather
girl: eatthehead
girl: aidsbus
girl: jesushasaids
girl: jesusherpes
girl: eatmyaids
girl: lickmytardbus
girl: windowlicker
girl: cortisonejesus
girl: lithiumjesus
girl: tardmessiah
boy: whatwouldjesuspoo
boy: WWJPoop
girl: WWJpoo
girl: cheesuspop
girl: untrainedtard
girl: retardus
boy: retardoricardo
boy: retroactivetard
boy: retroactiveretard
boy: contaminatedtard
boy: youarelemmings
boy: lemmingwhisperer
girl: mfinglemmings
girl: mindthebus
girl: infrontoftraffic
boy: runthoughtraffic
boy: enditnow
boy: tornadorally
girl: itsmyoxygen
girl: arsenictornado
girl: cyanidetornado
girl: fuandurmom
girl: fuandurdog
girl: wtgmedhead
boy: offyourmeds
boy: rxroulette

girl: rxroulette
girl: fucking hurrah.

*edited to appear twice as fucking manic.